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Get yourself mentally prepared. Dieting is not easy. Purchase the meals or ingredients you will need. The chances of blowing your diet are greatly increased if you do not have the meals or foods you are allowed to eat on hand. Have a plan for challenging times. Have an exercise plan. See your doctor.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Feb. 2021
Posted at: What are the things we need to do before starting a diet?

As long as you are experiencing some sort of calorie deficit, you will lose weight. Meal prep can help you control what you're eating and also keep you from being tempted to “cheat”, but as long as you are cooking healthy food and are tracking what you're eating, you will lose weight.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Feb. 2021
Posted at: Is meal prep good for health?

Meal prepping is the concept of preparing whole meals or dishes ahead of schedule. It's particularly popular amongst busy people because it can save a lot of time. Having pre-prepared meals on hand can also reduce portion size and help you reach your nutrition goals. Meal preparation, sometimes called meal prep, is the process of planning and preparing meals.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Feb. 2021
Posted at: What is meal prepping?

John D. Rockefeller is held to be the world's first official billionaire, achieving that status in 1916 largely through his ownership of Standard Oil. 2 From that point nearly a century ago, wealth has multiplied to the point where the richest men in the world top out at around $100 billion.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Feb. 2021
Posted at: Who was the first ever billionaire?

Around 1600 AD, the Europeans were masters of the technology but Indians products also had good quality. India's products such as art and handicrafts were very popular in foreign markets including India. Akbar's government was collecting income of what today would be $10.6 billion annually by the end of his reign.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Feb. 2021
Posted at: How rich was Emperor Akbar?

Emperor Shenzong of Song – peak net worth: $30+ trillion (£21+trn) Shenzong ruled China from 1067-1085 during the 'Peaceful Prosperity' and 'Primary Abundance' eras when he controlled around 30% of global GDP, the equivalent of $30+ trillion (£21+trn) today.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Feb. 2021
Posted at: How rich was Emperor Shenzong?

Augustus Caesar — Potentially the richest man of all time, he was the first emperor of the Roman Empire and valued at a rough estimate of $4.6 trillion in today's dollars. He personally owned a fifth of the wealth of an empire that accounted for about 30% of the gross domestic product of the whole world.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Feb. 2021
Posted at: Who was Augustus Caesar?

At an estimated value of $400 billion, Mansa Musa I of Mali is the richest person who ever lived. Born in 1280, Mansa Musa was the ruler of the Malian empire, and acquired most part of his wealth from the production and trade of salt and gold; more than half of the world's supply at the time in fact.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Feb. 2021
Posted at: Who was the richest man ever in history?

Yoga was believed to have been first introduced to America in the 1800s. In 1893, Swami Vivekananda, a key figure in the introduction of the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the US, made a presentation in Chicago at the World Parliament of Religions about the concept of body, spirit, and mind. Yoga was established on the West Coast in the mid-'50s with Walt and Magana Baptiste's San Francisco studio. Walt's father had been influenced by Vivekananda, and Walt and Magana were students... (Read Full Comment)

@Business.Upside | Posted09 Feb. 2021
Posted at: When and how was Yoga introduced in America?

“The relaxation techniques incorporated in yoga can lessen chronic pain, such as lower back pain, arthritis, headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome,” explains Dr. Nevins. “Yoga can also lower blood pressure and reduce insomnia.” Yoga causes increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration, energy, and vitality, maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health, improved athletic performance, protection from... (Read Full Comment)

@Business.Upside | Posted09 Feb. 2021
Posted at: What are the benefits of Yoga?

Active, intense styles of yoga help you burn the most calories. This may help prevent weight gain. While restorative yoga isn't an especially physical type of yoga, it still helps in weight loss. One study found that restorative yoga was effective in helping overweight women to lose weight, including abdominal *****.

@Business.Upside | Posted09 Feb. 2021
Posted at: Does Yoga help in reducing weight?

The fundamental purpose of yoga is to foster harmony in the body, mind, and environment. Yoga professes a complete system of physical, mental, social, and spiritual development. For generations, this philosophy was passed on from the master teacher to the student.

@Business.Upside | Posted09 Feb. 2021
Posted at: What is the purpose of Yoga?

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that originated in ancient India. Yoga is one of the six Āstika schools of Indian philosophical traditions. There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

@Business.Upside | Posted09 Feb. 2021
Posted at: What is Yoga all about?

To maintain a good routine, one must record what you do on a typical day. Write it down. Reduce or remove unwanted activities. Turn your day into a schedule. Make enough time for sleep. Make time for breaks. Give your new routine a test drive.

@Business.Upside | Posted09 Feb. 2021
Posted at: What to do to maintain a good routine?

Once you block physical and digital distractions the real challenge begins. Our minds are designed to seek dangers for survival and our monkey mind doesn’t like the present moment. That’s why it’s hard to block mental distractions. Thoughts about the past and the future make us worry. Worries become anxiety and we can no longer relax, no matter how relaxing the environment is.

@Business.Upside | Posted09 Feb. 2021
Posted at: Why is it so hard to prevent distractions?

In the morning your focus and energy are at their best. It’s when your mind is sharpest and capable of tackling hard tasks. But no matter how focused or trained you are, ignoring distractions takes its toll, and eventually you will lose and give in. I’m talking about TV, notifications, messages, and the Internet. Think about what distracts you the most in the morning and come up with ways to eliminate these distractions. This will not be easy and will take a week or two to figure out how... (Read Full Comment)

@Business.Upside | Posted09 Feb. 2021
Posted at: How to reduce distractions in the morning?

Showing up daily and performing consistently might not be sexy and won’t bring overnight results but it will definitely make you better. Here’s an article by James Clear on marginal gains that proves that improving just 1% every day will have a significant impact on your life in 365 days. Whether it’s fitness, finances, creativity, or relationships, show up daily and improve just 1% to grow. Decide on what you want to improve this year and write it down. Every morning do spend time... (Read Full Comment)

@Business.Upside | Posted09 Feb. 2021
Posted at: What is the importance of being consistent in one’s fitness journey?

A successful morning starts the night before. Throughout the years I experimented with many things including reading before bed, drinking tea, taking a walk, showering, writing, meditating, and fasting. What I found out is it doesn’t matter what you are doing the night before as long as you set clear intentions for the next day, acknowledge the present day, and express gratitude for what happened. Reflect on your day by remembering what went well and what went wrong. Decide on your sleep... (Read Full Comment)

@Business.Upside | Posted09 Feb. 2021
Posted at: How to use the time before sleep to remain mentally fit?

 If you know what brings value to your life, you can make smarter decisions. Make a list of all the goals and experiences that interest you. Then, focus on how you can redirect your energy to obtaining those goals. Find out what brings you joy and find the most productive ways of getting to that point.

@Business.Upside | Posted09 Feb. 2021
Posted at: How to redirect or use the energy inside us?

When you take an overview of your life, you begin to notice areas that need improvement. Where does your mind wander? Do you spend an excessive amount of time worrying about everything you could forget? Perhaps it is time to refocus that energy on getting organized. Do you get tired and sluggish easily? Perhaps it is time to focus on your diet and exercise routine. Take a day to think about the areas of your life that you need to be accountable for.

@Business.Upside | Posted09 Feb. 2021
Posted at: How to notice the energy in our mind?