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According to CNBC, Starlink will initially cost $99 per month. Users will also have to pay $499 for a Starlink Kit that enables the connection, featuring a ground terminal, a tripod, and a wifi router.

@Business.Upside | Posted18 Jan. 2021
Posted at: How much does a Starlink Internet cost?

A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed, and oftentimes public, digital ledger consisting of records called blocks that are used to record transactions across many computers so that any involved block cannot be altered retroactively, without the alteration of all subsequent blocks.

@Business.Upside | Posted18 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the use of Blockchain?

Robotics technology influences every aspect of work and home. Robotics has the potential to positively transform lives and work practices, raise efficiency and safety levels and provide enhanced levels of service. Robots will replace humans for many jobs, just as innovative farming equipment replaced humans and horses during the industrial revolution. New generation farm workers will need more advanced skills to work alongside robots. Today's farmworkers will become tomorrow's fleet managers... (Read Full Comment)

@Business.Upside | Posted18 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the future of robotics?

Cognitive surgical robotics collects data from real surgical processes to improvise the already existing surgical approaches. This is one of the best uses of artificial intelligence as doctors can collect information from pre-op medical records while obtaining insights.

@Business.Upside | Posted18 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the most advanced use of AI in healthcare?

Users in the public beta of Starlink's satellite-internet service on the Reddit Starlink community have consistently reported download speeds faster than 150 megabits per second. The fastest speed recorded on a list compiled by the community was 205.82 Mbps, in Bellevue, Washington.

@Business.Upside | Posted18 Jan. 2021
Posted at: How fast is the Starlink Internet?

Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.

@Business.Upside | Posted18 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is Blockchain?

Robotics is the intersection of science, engineering and technology that produces machines, called robots, that substitute for (or replicate) human actions. Robotics, design, construction, and use of machines (robots) to perform tasks done traditionally by human beings. Robots are widely used in such industries as automobile manufacture to perform simple repetitive tasks, and in industries where work must be performed in environments hazardous to humans.

@Business.Upside | Posted18 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is robotics all about?

Artificial Intelligence puts consumers in control of health and well-being. Additionally, AI increases the ability for healthcare professionals to better understand the day-to-day patterns and needs of the people they care for, and with that understanding, they are able to provide better feedback, guidance and support for staying healthy.

@Business.Upside | Posted18 Jan. 2021
Posted at: How does Artificial Intelligence help healthcare?

The Firefox Environment Backup Extension (FEBE) is a great way to automatically back up all of your extensions, search plugins, bookmarks, cookies, saved passwords, themes, preferences, histories, and more. FEBE backs up everything at scheduled times, and the best part is that it saves backups as installable .xpi files. That means that your backed up Firefox environment can be installed in the same way that you install any other Firefox extension so that you can use FEBE to sync your Firefox... (Read Full Comment)

@Business.Upside | Posted15 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is Firefox Environment Backup Extension?

Apart from the benefits, there are some loose ends in electric cars too. They are shorter ranged than the petrol car. Recharging the battery takes a huge amount of time. Their selling price is a lot more than a petrol car. It might be difficult sometimes to find a charging station. Moreover, there aren’t so many models to choose from electric vehicles.

@Business.Upside | Posted15 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What are the disadvantages of electric vehicles?

Kast TV is available from your party controls in your party. Just hit the TV icon and launch content from Kast TV’s offering. If you are not in your own party, you’ll need kasting permission from the party moderators to start streaming Kast TV content. When opening up Kast TV, you will see dedicated channels with free to stream third-party content available for all, and Kast TV’s own library with films and series, available for Kast Premium members.

@Business.Upside | Posted15 Jan. 2021
Posted at: How to use Kast TV?

World's first AI robot citizen “Sophia” Artificially intelligent robot "Sophia" created and programmed by Hanson Robotics, a Hong Kong-based humanoid robotics company, is the first robot in the world to be recognised with citizenship of Saudi Arabia.

@Business.Upside | Posted15 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What was the first AI robot?

Taboo is an ingenious extension for Firefox that allows you to save tabs for later. Once you save a tab, you can close it and go back to it at some point in the future (by viewing a list of all your saved tabs, searching saved tabs, or viewing saved tabs by the date you saved them). Taboo saves form data as well as scroll location, so when you return to a tab later, you return to the exact spot you were previously browsing. For research, you can think of Taboo as a way to organize sites you... (Read Full Comment)

@Business.Upside | Posted15 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the Taboo extension in Firefox?

There are many advantages of electric cars over petrol cars, as they are cheaper to run, cheaper to maintain. Obviously, electric cars are better for the environment and human health too. Safety equipment is increased in electric cars. A huge amount of energy is to be saved in electric cars.

@Business.Upside | Posted15 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What are the advantages of electric cars?

It is very easy to cast our screen in Kast. After opening the Kast app, hover over the group to show the Kast-button, and click it. Click the screen button on the very left to share your screen. You can choose to either share the entire screen or an individual application. You can also choose to share your webcam using the camera button just next to the screen button.

@Business.Upside | Posted15 Jan. 2021
Posted at: How to share a screen in Kast?

By the 1950s, we had a generation of scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers with the concept of artificial intelligence (or AI) culturally assimilated in their minds. In December 1955 Herbert Simon and Allen Newell developed the Logic Theorist, the first artificial intelligence program, which eventually would prove 38 of the first 52 theorems in Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica.

@Business.Upside | Posted15 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the history of Artificial Intelligence?

Juice is a great semantic Firefox extension that can take any text on a page and automatically call up additional research information about that text. Highlight some text — like the name of a place or person — and then drag it out of position and Juice will automatically perform searches for more information on Wikipedia, IMDB, YouTube, Yahoo! Local, and many other sites.

@Business.Upside | Posted15 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the Juice Firefox extension?

Electric cars are becoming so popular because of their low cost. Electric vehicles are becoming cheaper, making them more accessible to the general public. As well as being incredibly cheap to run, electric vehicles are becoming more widely produced, resulting in a drop in price.

@Business.Upside | Posted15 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Why are electric cars becoming so popular these days?

Kast broadcasts your screen and webcam directly to a channel you control. That means you can stream Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube videos, video games, and really any other piece of media you want with one account.

@Business.Upside | Posted15 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Has Kast a collaboration with Netflix?

Artificial Intelligence actually just refers to a machine that can copy human cognitive abilities — think things like problem-solving and learning here. But here’s the kicker: a human has to program the machine first so that it can learn from past patterns to create new information or solve a problem. Whereas AI is pre-programmed to carry out a task that a human can but more efficiently, artificial general intelligence (AGI) expects the machine to be just as smart as a human.

@Business.Upside | Posted15 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the difference between Artificial Intelligence and Artificial General Intelligence?