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There are a lot of online web designing platforms. Some of the famous platforms are SiteW, Google My Business, Zoho Sites, Lander, Ucraft, Strikingly, Zyro, Site123, Weebly, Wix, etc. Although they fulfil the same purpose of web designing, some are slightly different from each other. Some are great for business websites, while some others are good for blog writers.

@Business.Upside | Posted12 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What are the platforms we can use to create a free online website?

There are a lot of invention, we are the witnesses of many modern invention, such as, 3D printing, E-cigarettes, birth control patch, capsule endoscopy, artificial pancreas, E-readers, gene editing, digital assistants, robot heart, retinal implant, mobile operating system, multi-purpose rockets, online streaming, robotic exoskeleton, small satellite, tokenization, touch screen glass, etc.

@Business.Upside | Posted12 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Can you give examples of modern technologies in the 21st century?

This is quite a famous game that hosts several online servers. It was developed by Brad Sheppard. It mainly has classified content, with a huge number of enlightening games. The kids or the user can select the games as per their choice.

@Business.Upside | Posted12 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the Sheppard software?

The concept of the letter ‘v’ in data mining mainly tells about the properties of data mining, the first one being, Volume, where it suggests about the large scale of data. Velocity being another, where it suggests the high velocity of data. The next is Variety, that tells about non-structured, semi-structured and even structured data. Veracity tells about finding the important and correct form of data, from the huge scale of data. Value, the last one depicts the importance of the found-out... (Read Full Comment)

@Business.Upside | Posted12 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Can anyone say, what is the concept of the letter ‘V’ in Data Mining?

Web design refers to the design of websites that are displayed on the internet. It usually refers to the user experience aspects of website development rather than software development. The different areas of web design include web graphic design; user interface design; authoring, including standardised code and proprietary software; user experience design; and search engine optimization.

@Business.Upside | Posted12 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is web-design all about?

Modern technology is the advancement of old technology with new additions and modifications. Modern technology is all about efficiency and speed; it is about ensuring face-to-face communication, connecting you to your healthcare provider, and empowering you by giving you more access and control to the kind of care you get as well as service you receive.

@Business.Upside | Posted12 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What do you mean by Modern Technology?

In recent times, technology has risen to quite a high level. This has changed quite a few things, which include kids, studies and games. These educational games come with different skills for different age groups. One’s kids can gain knowledge from all these various games while having a great time with various educational games for kids.

@Business.Upside | Posted12 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Why should we prefer educational games for our kids?

Data mining is the practice of automatically searching large stores of data to discover patterns and trends that go beyond simple analysis. Data mining uses sophisticated mathematical algorithms to segment the data and evaluate the probability of future events.

@Business.Upside | Posted12 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What do you mean by Data mining?

There are innumerable applications or websites whose functions are like that of Rabbit app. Some of them have gained immense popularity in this lockdown situation. Some famous content streaming websites are, Netflix, YouTube,, Watch2gether, XYZ, etc. these are the websites where you can stream through various content without having to wait for large downloads to finish.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Since Rabbit app is closed, can you suggest some similar applications or software?

Yes, sharing of notes is one of the salient features of OneNote. With the help of OneNote, one can share their notes or even the whole notepad, to his/her friends, in need. Those, to whom you have shared the notes can also alter or edit the notes.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Can notes in OneNote be shared?

Direct transaction of money between these two applications is impossible. If one has any kind of mutual bank account, then transaction of money is possible. He/she might transfer the money to that mutual account with the help of Venmo, and then use it with the help of PayPal. Another way of doing is that if the owner has a Debit Mastercard, then he can use Venmo on it to purchase something.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Can money be transacted between Venmo and PayPal?

Recycling has many benefits. If we can recycle on a large scale, we will observe various benefits such as conservation of many natural resources, a significant reduction in pollution, less consumption of energy, landfills will soon be empty, ecosystems would be conserved greatly, reduction of various diseases. This altogether will lead to a more sustainable future.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What are the benefits of recycling?

Yes, Rabbit has this unique feature where one can share the screen with another person. The application could be running on all devices and one can also view various streaming videos without actually opening them. You can easily ask anyone sitting in another corner of the world to share screen and watch any video with you at any time.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Can two operators share screens from two different parts of world with the help of Rabbit app?

OneNote has this great feature to integrate with Outlook and Excel. It greatly helps one to work professionally and with all abilities. This great feature also helps OneNote to collaborate with Excel, so that one can make notes in a time table manner.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Is there any integrable feature of OneNote?

Yes, both of the applications have different transaction limits. PayPal has an approximate transaction limit of about 10,000 dollars. While Venmo has a lower transaction limit of 4999.99 dollars.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Is there any transaction limit for Venmo and PayPal?

We should remember to recycle each and every outdated technology, instead of just throwing away. The numbers of recycling bins should be increased and should be available to anyone, anytime. We should not forget to reuse or recycle small things such as toner cartridges and ink. Everyone should make sure to buy recycled paper instead of normal ones.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Jan. 2021
Posted at: How to make the whole procedure of recycling more successful?

The beta version of Rabbit app was released in 2013. It had a lot of limitations and could have been used in mac platforms only. The next year Rabbit app was completed and published as a web app. It was thriving with almost 400,000 signups within the year. It had almost 3.5million active users per month. In 2019, the CEO of Rabbit announced that the company would be shut down due to lack of funds. Then on July 31st it really closed.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the history of Rabbit app?

Yes, you shouldn’t be facing any kind of problem, if you change your devices. As the whole process is online, your incomplete notes would be saved as rough draft in the cloud.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Is there any backup of the notes I make in OneNote?

There is no extra charge if one uses their debit card for payment. But, if someone purchases something through credit card, it applies a 3 percent extra charge per transaction. Unlike Venmo, PayPal provides no free transaction on debit cards. It has the same rules for debit and credit card. PayPal applies 2.9 percent along with 0.30 per transaction.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the difference between the transaction charges between Venmo and PayPal?

There are various ways in which we can save the economy by recycling. If we recycle any product after its lifetime is over, it will result in a cheaper product, this procedure is effective. The more we recycle, the more job opportunities will pop up, thus solving unemployment. Moreover, disposal of waste goods requires monetary funds. By recycling goods, we can save those money.

@Business.Upside | Posted11 Jan. 2021
Posted at: How can we save economy by recycling?