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MYCIN was very successful in the field of medicine. Sophia, an AI Robot has a human-like appearance and is a pristine application of engineering based on deep learning which can interact in real-time with humans. Another good example will be Elon Musk’s system, OpenAI defeating professional DOTA2 players. We are using mobile assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, and Cortona daily. These are quite well-known examples.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Give some examples of Artificial Intelligence that have been a success until now?

Yes indeed, in fact, IoT is greatly related with Data Analytics.  IoT collects data and detects problems and reports us If needed. Without any effort, it will generate the exact report at the desired time. In short, IoT gathers information from various devices and analyses them.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Can IoT be helpful in Data Analytics?

Yes, the users have the option to preview various files such as videos, photos, audios, and other working platforms such as MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, etc, for confirmation that the data remains retrievable and integral. 

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Does the user of EaseUs have any preview to ascertain the reliability of it?

The Paris Climate Agreement has its origins set up in New York City, United States. It got approval on 22nd April 2016.  It came into force on November 4, 2016. It had to be however ratified by 187 countries as of November 2019.      The languages it had been written in are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the origin of Paris Climate Agreement? And what other languages is it published in?

Sparkling water has a lot of benefits. It helps to lose weight because it keeps one’s stomach full for very long and is low in sugar. Sparkling water improves digestion along with the metabolism in the body. It is quite good for *****, unlike other drinks. It also increases good cholesterol which in turn increases heart health. Sparkling water is a zero-calorie refreshing drink that keeps the body hydrated for a long duration.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What are the benefits of sparkling water?

MYCIN, an AI-based system was developed by Stanford University around the 1970s. The system was programmed to prescribe antibiotics based on the given knowledge base. It is said that its performance was much more accurate than medical specialists.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Can you give an example of Artificial Intelligence in the field of medicine?

One of the greatest examples of IoT in Health-related issues is the health-tracking watch or ring. These devices are connected to IoT apps on respected android devices. This ring continuously monitors the heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation, and detects the changes and reports immediately if needed.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the use of IoT in Health-related issues?

The ecological effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in aquatic environments, such as streams, lakes, and marshes where it can be harmful to fish and other wildlife. As it flows through the soil, acidic rain can leach Aluminium from soil clay particles and then flow into streams and lakes. It generally decreases the pH level of various water bodies and makes them more acidic, which is not suitable for life. Acid rain has a huge number of ill-effects for humans.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What are the ill-effects of acid rain?

The most common cause of air pollution is an industry that releases various hazardous pollutants such as HFCs(hydrofluorocarbons) and nitrous oxide. They deplete various parts of the ozone layer and help in the formation of ozone holes. This ozone hole lets the harmful UV rays of the sun to enter into the atmosphere easily, which causes various skin diseases. Moreover, it causes global warming on a huge scale.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the cause of industrial air pollution?

While writing the headline for your content, you should keep some ideas in your mind. The headline of your content must be catchy, attractive, small, to the point yet suggestive. It should attract the reader towards the paragraph.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: How to write headlines of content?

The two types of collection procedure include Single Stream Collection, where you put all the recyclables inside a bin altogether. This process is a lot easier. The Sorted Stream collection is where the residents have to put each and everything in a sorted way. This process is a lot more effective than the previous one.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What are the two types of collection in paper recycling?

Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like Nitrogen Oxides and Sulphur dioxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What are the causes of acid rain?

Yes indeed, aerosols are a huge source of air pollution. Aerosols generally react with the ozone of the ozone layer in the atmosphere to form smog, that is a mixture of fog and smoke. There are different pollutants effects, as aerosols form smog and can absorb solar radiations. They make the surrounding climate quite cold as they tend to reflect sunlight and makes an effect of coolness.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Does aerosol cause any air pollution?

You should write your header tags in a way such that you let all the readers know what they are going to expect from that paragraph. Moreover, you should frame and make your content in a structured manner.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: How to set Header Tags for my content?

For starting any kind of recycling, you need to put it inside the bin first. Then it will be taken to the recycling centre and will be sorted thoroughly. It will then be stored inside bales and then transferred to various mills. In the mills, it will be processed, cut into many pieces and then broken down to fibres. Then they are pressed for removal of unwanted chemicals and rolled over. This whole process turns them into new and more costly paper products.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What are the steps to recycle paper?

There are innumerable ill-effects of smog. Smog forms a misty layer in the atmosphere and so reduces visibility. It contains hazardous dust particles in it, which causes various respiratory problems such as asthma, lung cancer, bronchitis, etc. Moreover, smog causes high damage to other living beings. It cannot be removed quickly because wind cannot carry it away, due to its heaviness.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Can you tell some ill-effects of smog?

Air pollution generally occurs due to the presence of various kinds of unwanted gases and dust particles in the air. they originate from different sources like that of the burning of fossil fuel, emission of gases from factories along with aerosols and vehicles.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What are the man-made pollutants for air pollution?

Title tags are of great importance. It mainly is an HTML tag one can find in the top section of almost all web pages. This gives the reader a hint about the subject, the page is about. It is seen as a bold clickable link.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: What is the importance of title tags?

Yes, it is of great importance. Paper and plastic together combine to contribute 40% of the average daily waste. As both of them can be recycled easily, so instead of adding them to landfills, both can be used in a positive way for our environment and economy. For a healthier atmosphere, to know how to recycle both of them is essential. Once you begin to recycle, you can easily contribute to the overall development of our environment.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Is paper and plastic recycling so important?

Yes indeed, smoking contributes to air pollution, not only that, it contributes in a quite large scale. Cigarette smoke produces 10 times more air pollution than diesel car exhaust. Environmental tobacco smoke produces fine particulate matter, which is the most dangerous element of air pollution for health.

@Business.Upside | Posted07 Jan. 2021
Posted at: Does smoking contribute to air pollution?