
How can you prepare your portfolio for a stock market crash?   

Jack Penn
@Jack.Penn · Posted 08 Dec. 2021

Peter Clark
@Peter.Clark · Posted 08 Dec. 2021

Even if you are not trading stocks, you may be investing in stocks as part of a diversified portfolio. The stock market crash can happen at any time without any warning and it’s important to prepare yourself for that event. Here are some ways that you can prepare your portfolio for a stock market crash:

- Use cash to buy more shares when the prices are low.

- Avoid buying high-risk securities such as penny stocks and other options.

- Avoid selling shares once the prices start rising again.

Lily Campbell
@Lily.Campbell · Posted 08 Dec. 2021

This question is linked to the current market environment. We all know that stock market crashes are unpredictable and can happen at any time. That's why it's important to prepare your portfolio for the worst-case scenario. Here are some of our tips on how you can prepare your portfolio for a stock market crash:

- Keep an emergency fund, which will help you in the case of financial emergencies.

- Review your investment strategy

- When investing, make sure that you diversify your investments to reduce risk exposure

- Maintain a healthy lifestyle

- Look out for changes in the economy

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