
How are Covid pills effective in saving lives?   

Peter Clark
@Peter.Clark · Posted 15 Nov. 2021

Richard Blake
@Richard.Blake · Posted 15 Nov. 2021

According to the latest news the promise which Pfizer Inc and Merck & Co made related to Covid pills has brought many questions that whether it will bring the end of the pandemic or not. But the pills do not give the surety of that. According to recent studies the pills will help in the first recovery from covid and there will be less chance of people being hospitalized. It will also be helpful for those who have not taken any vaccine

Kelly Jackson
@Kelly.Jackson · Posted 15 Nov. 2021

The effectiveness of both the pills were different such as the drug Pfizer was found to be more than 80 percent and compared to that of Merck was about 50% of the patients. This resulted in a breakthrough potentially among the scientific world. But many Americans have lost their lives due to covid and the death rate in 2021 was higher than that of 2020. It was due to their certain health problems and improper use of the mask

Rachael Davis
@Rachael.Davis · Posted 15 Nov. 2021

According to the news, there are many limitations of the new treatment. The pills are more effective for those who are not yet vaccinated and have few symptoms of covid. The testing part does not happen usually and any person getting the symptoms can take the pill. But apart from the medicines, vaccination is very important for every individual as it prevents the pandemic from spreading. 

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