
Why do laptops become slow after some time?   

Alfred Evans
@Alfred.Evans · Posted 07 Feb. 2022

Lily Campbell
@Lily.Campbell · Updated 07 Feb. 2022

Reasons why laptops running slow : 

  • Many Temporary Files
  • Hard drive not updated
  • Program running in the background needs to be stopped
  • Update Operating System
  • Too many startup programs need to be taken care of.
  • Malware infection might be another possibility.

Kelly Jackson
@Kelly.Jackson · Updated 07 Feb. 2022

If by any cause your Windows pc isn’t as speedy as it used to be before, there are numbers of methods you can use to get it running like new. It might have been infected with malware, or you would possibly have an old running system. Also, there are probably too many startup applications or too many brief files. If you've got an older pc, you should always update your memory cards or hard drive.  

Liam Davis
@Liam.Davis · Updated 07 Feb. 2022

Here are some reasons why laptops tend to become slow after some time. And how to fix a slow laptop?

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