
What is the significance of International Women's Day 2022?   

Lily Campbell
@Lily.Campbell · Posted 08 Mar. 2022

Kelly Jackson
@Kelly.Jackson · Updated 08 Mar. 2022

This year international women's day 2022 will be celebrated on March 8th. The theme will be gender equality for today and also for tomorrow. Girls and women face impacts of climatic crisis which put their livelihoods at risk so it has been amplified on the existing gender inequality.

Peter Clark
@Peter.Clark · Updated 08 Mar. 2022

Women's day is specially celebrated mainly to focus on gender equality and also to spread through the message all over the world that without the half of the population inclusion worldwide there is no vision to be fulfilled.

Jane Martin
@Jane.Martin · Updated 08 Mar. 2022

The first-ever women's day was observed on 28th February 1909 in the United States. This year the women's day theme is basically on gender equality for today and sustainable tomorrow. The special occasion of women's day is celebrated on 8th March every year.

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