
What is the recent news about Cancer vanishing from every patient’s body in a drug trial? Is it true?   

#drug trial for cancer #drug trial #cancer #dostarlimab

Jack Penn
@Jack.Penn · Updated 08 Jun. 2022

Liam Davis
@Liam.Davis · Updated 08 Jun. 2022

A new drug trial has been launched in the US with a drug that could potentially be the first cure for cancer. The trial is still in its early stages but it has already managed to “miraculously” cure every patient who took it. The patients who were diagnosed with cancer were all given a drug called “Dostarlimab”. The drug is designed to block the activity of a protein that fuels the growth of cancer cells. This protein is called PD-1. The study was conducted by an international team of researchers from the United States, Canada, and Israel. They have been testing this new drug for years and it has been found to be very successful in fighting cancer cells. What makes this study so groundbreaking is that every single patient had their cancer vanish after being given this drug for just 3 months.

Alfred Evans
@Alfred.Evans · Updated 08 Jun. 2022

The results showed that the patients who received the cancer drug had their cancer disappear from their bodies. The study found that 43% of patients who were given the drug had no detectable cancer after two years, and 66% still had no detectable cancer after four years.

Frank Lucas
@Frank.Lucas · Posted 09 Jun. 2022

A drug trial for cancer seems to have “miraculously” cured all the patients, doctors said. The drug trial was launched in a small hospital. The initial results were reported by the hospital on Saturday. The drug is a type of immunotherapy that is used to treat certain types of cancer. This is the first time that such a treatment has been successful in treating cancer patients.

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