
What is the biggest Sea Creature?   

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@Business.Upside · Posted 14 Jul. 2021

Business Upside Get news analysis on Business, Tech, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Lifestyle, Health and Fitnessl, entertainment news and money saving tips.
@Business.Upside · Posted 15 Jul. 2021

Technically, the biggest sea creature living mammal is the Antarctic blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus). Although in modern times, it is the largest mammal to have ever existed by theory suggests that there lived some bigger dinosaurs and fishes than this creature especially the Megalodon Shark. It is seen that the whales can grow up to a humongous absolute maximum of 33 m in length (108 feet) and can weigh up to full of 200 tons (400,000lbs), while it is observed that most blue whales are smaller with an average of around 20 – 25 meters when they are fully grown.

Alfred Evans
@Alfred.Evans · Posted 28 Jul. 2021

Some sea creatures grow extremely large in the world’s oceans. An adult blue whale is two to three times bigger than the largest land-dwelling dinosaur that ever lived on Earth - it is the biggest animal that has ever lived in the sea, and is the largest animal that has ever lived on planet Earth. Antarctic blue whales average around 400,000 pounds and reach a length of 98 feet, which makes them one of the biggest animals on planet earth. There is no doubt that a whale with a heart the size of a small car consumes 7936 pounds of krill per day during the main feeding season. In terms of decibel levels, its calls reach 188 decibels -- that is louder than a jet engine, which reaches 140 decibels. Whales use whistles with low frequency to attract each other. Whale voices are heard for miles around.

Listed below are the facts and statistics regarding the size of a full-grown blue whale:

·       It is estimated that a blue whale's arteries measure 10 inches wide.

·       Approximately 3 tons of weight can be found on the tongue of a blue whale.

·       Blue whale testicles each weigh about 150 lbs.

·       A blue whale's length when it is born is approximately 7-8 meters

·       It is estimated that baby blue whales consume 50 gallons of milk a day, meaning they can gain 200 pounds every 24 hours

·       A blue whale's vast size does not imply its ability to filter feed. Instead, the blue whale feeds on krill and other minute creatures. An individual can consume up to 4 tons of krill every day.

·       Blue whales are the loudest animals on earth in addition to being the largest. For perspective, hearing damage begins at about 100 decibels. Its call can reach almost 190 decibels. It is possible to transmit blue whales' loud, low-frequency calls hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles across the oceans, which are used as a means of communication.

Commercial whaling in the southern Atlantic Ocean in 1904 severely reduced the blue whale population in Antarctica. Illegal hunting continued in the 1960s despite protections under the International Whaling Commission. The blue whale population in the world has significantly increased from 5000 individuals in the 1990s to between 10,000 and 25,000 today, indicating that some effect was had. A record-breaking 55 Antarctic blue whales were counted during their 2020 expedition, which they described as "a historic event".

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