
What are the interesting things to do while in Rome, Italy?   

#rome traveling tips #visiting rome #rome travelling

Lily Campbell
@Lily.Campbell · Posted 28 Sep. 2022

Frank Lucas
@Frank.Lucas · Updated 28 Sep. 2022

A great way to spend your time in Rome is by exploring the city’s many attractions. There are so many things to do, from visiting famous landmarks to checking out the local food scene.

Here are some suggestions to get you started, the Colosseum and the Pantheon are both must-sees, while visiting Rome. If you have time for only one, make it the Colosseum. For a more unique experience, take a walk through the Imperial Forums. Visitors to Rome should not miss a chance to see the Villa Doria Pamphili. These are all UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and each has its own unique story to tell. If time is tight, visitors can also enjoy a quick tour of the Vatican Museum.

If you are planning on spending any amount of time in Rome, there are a few things you should do to make the most of your experience. Look at the architecture and the statues. If you're feeling energetic cycling can be the best option for the ancient city walls. For something a little more relaxed, enjoy a meal at a local restaurant or take a stroll in one of the many squares.

Take in a show at the Roman Amphitheatre, or explore the Forum Romanum. And listed below are other places for Rome traveling tips:

Eating well at Roman food is legendary, so don’t miss out on a meal at one of Rome’s many famous restaurants.

  • The "Fontana di Trevi," or Trevi Fountain, is the most well-known fountain in Rome and possibly the entire world. On the Piazza di Trevi, there is a baroque fountain that was constructed in the 18th century. The monument and landmark feature Neptune, the god of the sea, riding in his chariot. Rome traveling would not be complete without throwing a penny into the Trevi Fountain, as doing so signifies that the thrower will "one day return to Rome, Italy."
  • The St. Peter's Basilica, or the "Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano," is the seat of the pope and the spiritual hub of the Catholic Church. The massive basilica was constructed on Peter's grave and situated in the sovereign territory of Vatican City, next to St. Peter's Square, its crypts contain 148 papal tombs in addition to treasures like Bernini's Baldachin and Michelangelo's "La Pieta”.
  • The Piazza Navona is arguably one of Rome's most spectacular squares. Therefore, the square's historical use as a Roman athletics arena is responsible for its elongated design. Numerous fountains, notably Bernini's "La Fontana Dei Quattro Fiumi," an intriguing obelisk, and the excavations of the former Domitianus stadium are among the notable attractions to see on the square. Additionally, Piazza Navona is a bustling square with a large number of terraces, cafés, and street performers.
  • The historic working-class area of Rome is located on the other side of the Tiber River. In the classic Italian neighborhood of Trastevere, you may get lost in the maze of small streets, admire the old, medieval homes, and enjoy a fun night out at one of the numerous nearby bars and restaurants.
  • Castel Sant'Angelo, or the Castle of the Holy Angel, was built as Emperor Hadrian's mausoleum in the second century. Pope Pius II had a huge bronze statue of the angels erected on top of the castle after Archangel Michael arrived here in 590 and put an end to the disease. Popes could take refuge at the Castle of the Holy Angel, which was a part of Rome's defenses and was connected via tunnel to the Vatican.

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