
How do you lock your facebook profile?   

Kelly Jackson
@Kelly.Jackson · Posted 01 Mar. 2022

Jack Penn
@Jack.Penn · Posted 01 Mar. 2022

Facebook is finally giving its users the option to lock Facebook profiles. With this new security feature, users have the ability to protect their accounts from unwanted viewers. There are a few pros and cons to locking your Facebook profile.

The first pro is that people who want to keep their profile private will be able to do so with this new feature. It also allows people who don't want strangers contacting them on Facebook Messenger or Instagram to block those messages and notifications. The second pro is that you can choose who has access to your account by selecting "Friends" or "Friends of Friends". This will allow you more control over who can view your posts and photos, which gives you more privacy than before.  

Peter Clark
@Peter.Clark · Posted 01 Mar. 2022

Facebook has introduced a new security feature. It will allow you to lock your profile on Facebook. The good thing about this is that, if someone has your phone and tries to log into your account, they won't be able to do it without entering a password.

The bad thing about this is that, if you forget your password and lock yourself out of the account, there's no way to get back in.

This new security feature is great for people who have their phone stolen or lost because they can't use the account without the password. But it can also be bad because if you forget your password there's no way to get back in!

Jane Martin
@Jane.Martin · Updated 01 Mar. 2022

Facebook has introduced a new security feature that will allow users to lock their facebook profile pictures. This is the first time Facebook has introduced an option for users to lock their profile picture.

Users can now choose between "public" and "private" as the privacy setting for their profile photo in addition to the existing choices of "friends only" and "unlisted."

The new security feature will help prevent people from stealing your photos and using them in other places on Facebook or even across the internet.

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